2009. augusztus 8., szombat

photos from England! chapter 2

photos from England!

this summer

This summer was the best one in my entire life... yess, i awlays have something which's soo special for me in every summer, but this one is, when i cant choose just one favourite memory...
I havent been at too many places... "just" in England!
and it was awesome! those 3 weeks changed my life, honestly! Well, i used to hate the Uk and all those british things... if i had to choose, i was more a fan of the US, than the UK! my 1st thing on my '50 things i want to do before i die" was to go to America, and be there for a year... but after England, im not sure i ever wanna go there for that much time!
in those 3 weeks, i had 3 favourite days, but all of them were great, sometimes funny, sometimes tiring...
1)The day when we traveled to MAnchester, and were in the Old Trafford stadium... the theatre of dreams... yeah, it was soo pretty... i just missed some football players, but never mind! i'll meet them some time...
2)The 1st day in church... i so remember everything... i prepared a lot before, because the 1st expression has to be good.. really good! And when we entered the Gateway Centre... haha, noo, nithing special happened, but it was amazing, the worship band had a practise, and they sang the Happy day by Tim Hughes, and everyone knows thats one of my favourite song... or if you didnt know, just remember!
and the service was so blessed, Pete preached, and i've learned so many things there... and after the service, lots of people came to us and they were so kind! i was suprised that i could understand most of the things... well, they have pretty cool accent, i'll learn that one day! :)
3)The last Monday in England for a while... what happened then? i was at the seaside!! :) it was amazing! Jonny took me there, and i really loved it... Scarborough! i definitely go back there! and in the car we listened to different kind of songs, and that was one, what i hadnt heard before! True love by Phil Whickam! its beautiful(: if someday you'll read this blog: i just wanna say, THANK YOU! (:

enough for today, i'll keep writing tomorrow, and upload some photos too!

i loove England! (more than the US)

2009. május 25., hétfő

2009. május 21., csütörtök


i think i hate this day... hope its gonna be much better soon...

2009. május 13., szerda

2009. május 12., kedd

a chapter in her diary...


"It's me again... sitting on a bench in my school, and trying to forget all these stuff echoing in my head. "definitely maybe"...
In the past few month lots of things had happened. New friendships began, some old ones became stronger, and the other old ones said their goodbyes.
It's not that bad, you know. At least, you realize how important are your friends for you... and how important are you for your friends... is it just a cyber-friendship, or will you be able to trust them whatever happens in the future?
don't judge me what i do. cause sometimes i'm right, sometimes wrong
everything's gonna be allright...
but remember, i'll be always here for you :) and i'll wait for you!


2009. május 10., vasárnap

Bono nap van =]

Happy birthday =]
its a beautiful day... lalalala =]

2009. május 6., szerda

new favourite =)

"I can't help thinking, This is how it ought to be, Laughing on a park bench, Thinking to myself, Hey, isn't this easy?"

2009. május 4., hétfő

wish me luck... =]

Holnap matek érettségi... :S a mai pár órás matek óránk után sikerülnie kellene...
Szurkoljatok, imádkozzatok!!! =]
És utána nem... egyelőre biztos nem, de olyan 5-10 éven belül nem is gondolunk rá... =)
Hajrá mindenki!


2009. május 1., péntek

things don't work out like i'd like to...

just to be honest, there's always going to be another mountain. People say that im on my way, and i can do anything if i believe in it... just nowadays i really dont know that its true or not... you know, im not that type of girl, who's too self-confident about everything. And these evenings when i just want to talk to somebody, who kinda understand me and try to help me... im more confused what im doing.
We used to be rather great friends, but something changed, and you know what? i did my best to figure out what it was, but nothing...
please, tell me and maybe everything's gonna be allright!
Whatever <- hate it.
What should i do?
what should we do?
What'd have happened?
Lets go back in time when it was a little more than a friendship...
or >i'd like to hear those words from you<

If you need a friend,
don't look to a stranger,
You know in the end,
I'll always be there.

And when you're in doubt,
and when you're in danger,
Take a look all around,
and I'll be there.

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say. (I promise)
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be. (I promise)
But if you wait around a while, I'll make you fall for me,
I promise, I promise you I will.

When your day is through,
and so is your temper,
You know what to do,
I'm gonna always be there.

Sometimes if I shout,
it's not what's intended.
These words just come out,
with no gripe to bear.

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say. (I promise)
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be. (I promise)
But if you wait around a while, I'll make you fall for me,
I promise, I promise you...

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say. (I promise)
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be. (I promise)
And if I had to walk the world, that make you fall for me,
I promise you, I promise you I will.

I gotta tell ya, I need to tell ya, I gotta tell ya, I gotta tell yaaaa ...

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say. (I promise)
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be. (I promise)
But if you wait around a while, I'll make you fall for me,
I promise you, I promise you...

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say. (I promise)
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be. (I promise)
And if I have to walk the world to make you fall for me,
I promise you, I promise you I will ...
I will...
I will...
I will...

(When in Rome - The Promise)

2009. április 28., kedd

köszönöm Nikóm =]


Nikolaiii <3

de szép napom volt =]

2009. április 27., hétfő


you want more space
i want less distance
you want more words
I want less noise
you speak in rythmes
i dream in wishes
we've got nowhere left to hide

you see the sun
I see the burning
you see good things in everyone

The closer my heart is
the further my head is from you
The more that I need you
the less I can see what to do

you want my hand
I want the darkness
you want the warmth
I want the cold
you walk ahead
I walk in circles
we've got nowhere left to go

you see the sun
I see the burning
you see good things in everyone

The closer my heart is
the further my head is from you
The more that I need you
the less I can see what to do

(Lovers Electric - Closer)

make a wish... <3

"make a wish & place it in your heart;
anything you want, everything you want.
do you have it? good. now believe it can come true
you never no where the next miracle is gonna come from,
the next smile, the next wish come true.
but if you believe that it's right around the corner,
and you open your heart & mind..
to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it;
you just might get the thing your wishing for
the world is full of magic, you just have to believe in it
so make your wish, do you have it? good.
now believe in it with all your heart"

2009. április 26., vasárnap


uuu, tiszta joo volt =]
majd igyekszem bővebben irni róla, de ennyit azért muszáj elmondani, hogy nagyon jo volt! És főleg a mai nap...
meg a vendégek is! =] GYertek ti, jövőre is!
Egyre jobban szeretm a mi kis városunkat =]


2009. április 20., hétfő

who knows?

Nem szeretem ezt a kérdést... mindig rosszat jelent =S
Leszoktam a napló írásról... hiányzik, de nem fogom újrakezdeni... Beszélni kellene a nővéremmel (ha olvasod, valahogy jelezz, mostmár nem várok tovább...), és Nikom is eltűnt mostanában... DE a konfira jön, ugye? =]

Mostanában olvasok.. sokat olvasok.. és rájöttem, hogy vissza akarom kapni az elmúlt pár hónapot, úgy novembertől kezdve... vagy legalabb újraélni... ekkora sok hüjeséget nem csináltam egész életemben... mostmár máshogy lennének a dolgok, és hátha mashogy alakulna az egész is... értse mindenki úgy, ahogy szeretné =]
Elmondanám, ha valaki meghallgatna...


But I still haven't find what I'm looking for

Nővéremtől... =] (csak, hogy nekem is legyen valamim tőled... =])

és énisszeretemőket!!!! =]


2009. április 14., kedd

spring break...

Sétálni akartam többet... meg beszélgetni... (de úgy néz ki fogok a pandaval... (lehetgondolkoznikiaz...) =] jonapom lett, hirtelen...) :D
és azért történtek a dolgok =]
Szülinapi party, ilyenek... =] Jóó volt!!! (remélem ezt is elolvasod =])

A következő 13 napban még sok-sok mindennek történnie kell(ene)... Juuujj, de szeretném =]

Details soon =]=]


you are much more...

Csakhogy a nővérem még egy blogot írjon rólam =]


2009. április 1., szerda

The List...

1. to be married in the same church as her mother and father.
2. to be in two places at once.
3. to get a tattoo.
4. to witness a miracle.
5. to make a medical discovery.
6. to build a large(r) telescope so she could view the comet that was coming in the Spring.
42. on her list was to be friend someone i didn't like

(A walk to remember - Jamie's list...)


2009. március 29., vasárnap

Love my cousins! =]

Végre itthon voltam én is meg ők is... Szép délutánunk volt! =]

Saturdays're kinda cool... =]

Aaaa, tegnapom: Suli -> itthon 2 óra -> tinikórus -> Joy Gospel koncert =]

Nagyon jó volt! 4. sor, sok-sok tapsolás, éneklés... és még majdnem órát is nyertünk... Majdnem...
Nem baj, amire hazaértem már naplót írni is fáradt voltam, de azért pár sort így is összehoztam...


2009. március 27., péntek

Everything happens for a reason...

"A jó napokban élj a jóval, a rossz napokban pedig lásd be, hogy ezt is, amazt is Isten készítette el mindazért, hogy az ember ne találja ki mi következik..." Prédikátorok 7:14

Sokszor csinálok meggondolatlanul dolgokat... Amiket igazából nem tennék meg, és mégis megtörténik... Jó lenne, ha vissza lehetne menni időben, mert így utólag sokkal könnyebb okosnak lenni... =S
De legalább lehet egy új cél: ha már így felnőttem, szeretnék picit bölcsebb is lenni... és nem elrontani a dolgokat az én hüjeségeim miatt... Remélem még vissza lehet csinálni mindent úgy, mint ahogy pár órával ezelőtt volt a helyzet... remélem...
Minden okkal történik, biztos ennek is volt valami értelme... kattoghatok egész este, és szidhatom magam... =S

Új téma: Voltam ma Szabadkígyóson!!! =]
Túl sok minden történt, és túl sok minden van most a fejemben...
De naggyon jó volt, örülök, hogy Niki is örül... A Rom Elizabet-et választom =]
Várom a konfit!!!!

És még mi fog addig történni... Annyi minden lehet még... és legyen =]

... =]

I don't want to miss a thing...

2009. március 25., szerda

Moment that matters...

Hannah Montana - True Friend

[Verse 1]
We sign our cards and letters BFF
You've got a million ways to make me laugh
You're lookin' out for me; you've got my back
It's so good to have you around

You know the secrets I could never tell
And when I'm quiet you break through my shell
Don't feel the need to do a rebel yell
Cause you keep my feet on the ground

[Chorus 1]
You're a true friend
You're here till the end
You pull me aside
When something ain't right
Talk with me now and into the night
'Til it's alright again
You're a true friend

[Verse 2]
You don't get angry when I change the plans
Somehow you're never out of second chances
Won't say "I told you" when I'm wrong again
I'm so lucky that I've found

[Chorus 2]
A true friend
You're here till the end
You pull me aside
When something ain't right
Talk with me now and into the night
'Til it's alright again

True friends will go to the end of the earth
Till they find the things you need
Friends hang on through the ups and the downs
Cause they've got someone to believe in

[Chorus 3]
A true friend
You're here till the end
You pull me aside
When something ain't right
Talk with me now and into the night
No need to pretend
You're a true friend
You're here till the end
Pull me aside
When something ain't right
Talk with me now and into the night
'Til it's alright again
You're a true friend [3x]

"az idő relatív.
néha kevés,máskor túl sok." - ugye, Niki?
Meg kell tanulnunk kihasználni azokat a pillanatokat, amik éppen most vannak... és akkor bármilyen korlátozott is lehet az életünk, tudni fogjuk, hogy nem volt hiába az egész, és érdemes volt élnünk...
Nem vagyok ilyen téren okos, én is csak tanulom, de emlékezz rá hogy szeretlek, és nagyon hiányzol, és nem vagy dilis, mert ha te az vagy, akkor én is... soval nem lehetsz... vagy együtt megyünk a diliházba... =]

"...'Cause I know I got friends, trust, family, and love
All around me, that should be enough
And I figured out that these are the moments that matter, matter to me
The one thing I cherish while I'm on the road is I know I'm never alone..."


2009. március 20., péntek